
Cost: web sites: site packages: add ons/options

Site Packages





Add Ons


Add Ons/Options:

Price incl. GST:

Animated Image/Text ("Flash"):

Flash animations are a popular feature of modern websites. They can be extremely effective in communicating your message if properly designed and used.


  • they immediately capture the attention of your customer;
  • they can demonstrate product difference and variation; eg as in the paint colour of the car, above;
  • their subtle use can simply enhance the experience of visiting your website.


  • they can be annoying for your customer through
    • inappropriate, "over the top design";
    • getting in the way of the information your customer is seeking
  • cost - they are time consuming to develop;

Bottom line: Will "Flash" result in you better communicating your message to your customer?

Content Management System (full)

 Joomla logo


Content Management System (limited)


E-commerce - large (incl. large multi level inventory, shopping cart + payment facility)


E-commerce - small (incl. less than 10 products/services, shopping cart + payment facilty)




Database (MySQL)
(included in price of E-commerce, CMS and Forum products)


Animated image
or text ("Flash")
min./typical cost


Web form


Additional pages (each)


Location map
("Google Map")


Design alterations (post development)


Site maintenance


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